Also thanks to Paradise we have a cool discord chanel thingie, here is the link Thank you to everyone who has helped build this server and makes it run smoothly!!! Our Pyrrhia map is extremly big, there is a map online, of, it to help you out. If you have any questions just ask, I, or one of the other admins, would be happy to answer any questions. We are a fairly new server so please be patient with us when something goes wrong. Each tribe has a differnt effect they get. However once you make this choice its final, you cannot go back and change it. When you first join the server you have the opition of joining one of the tribes and even a choice to join the scavengers if you want. There is a more indepth list of rules in the rule book that you should recive when you spawn. The admins are: ebelle, MCDoctorWho, sjam, Crystal, and Seaviper. The rules are simple, No Greifing, No Stealing, No Extensive Swearing/Cursing, and Listen to Mods and Admins. The server is whitelisted so if you would like to join please ask, tell why you should be whitelisted, and post your minecraft username as well. The server is currently up and running and is most of the time. The server has been updated to the Minecraft version 1.12.2 (please note) THE MOST CURRENT THREAD FOR THE SERVER IS The IP is